Software Patches
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Principia Support : Software Patches
Update of Capital Gain Distribution Data for ETFs and Brokerage Availability Data for Mutual Funds

The January 2008 release of Principia® Mutual Funds, Mutual Funds Advanced, Hypotheticals and Principia Suite (with data as of 12-31-07) has incomplete capital gain distributions for a subset of ETFs that affect scheduled portfolios and hypothetical illustrations. In addition, due to a data processing error, certain open-end mutual funds have an incomplete set of brokerage availability data.

ETF Name Ticker
TDAX Independence In-Target Exchange-Traded Fund TDX
HS Cancer Exchange-Traded Fund HHK
TDAX Independence 2040 Exchange-Traded Fund TDV
Adelante Shares RE Kings AKB
TDAX Independence 2030 Exchange-Traded Fund TDN
HS European Medical Products and Devices Fund HHT
TDAX Independence 2020 Exchange-Traded Fund TDH
Adelante Shares RE Classic ACK
HS Dermatology Wound Care Exchange Trades Fund HRW
iShares MSCI EAFE Growth Index Fund EFG
TDAX Independence 2010 Exchange-Traded Fund TDD
Adelante Shares RE Composite ACB
Adelante Shares RE Yield Plus ATY
Adelante Shares RE Growth AGV
Adelante Shares RE Value AVU
Adelante Shares RE Shelter AQS
UltraShort Russell2000 Value  SJH
HS Opthamology Exchange-Traded Fund HHZ
iShares DJ US Real Estate Index Fund IYR
HS Neuroscience Exchange-Traded Fund HHN
HS GI Gender Health Exchange-Traded Fund HHU
iShares MSCI Pacific ex-Japan Index Fund EPP
HS Infectious Disease Exchange-Traded Fund HHG
iShares Lehman Short Treasury Bond Fund SHV
HS Patient Care Services Exchange-Traded Fund  HHB
iShares MSCI Brazil Index Fund EWZ
HS Diagnostics Exchange-Traded Fund HHD
HS Enabling Technologies Exchange-Traded Fund  HHV
HS Composite Exchange-Traded Fund Exchange-Traded Fund HHQ
Ultra Consumer Goods  UGE
Ultra Russell 2000 Growth  UKK
UltraShort Russell MidCap Value  SJL
HS Respiratory/Pulmonary Exchange-Traded Fund HHR
HS European Drugs Exchange Traded Fund HRJ
HS Cardiology Devices Exchange-Traded Fund  HHE
Ultra Russell 2000  UWM
iShares MSCI EAFE Value Index Fund EFV
Ultra Health Care  RXL
Ultra Russell MidCap Growth  UKW
Ultra Russell 1000 Growth  UKF
Ultra Technology  ROM
UltraShort Consumer Services  SCC
Ultra SmallCap600  SAA
Ultra S&P 500  SSO
Ultra Industrials  UXI
Ultra Dow 30  DDM
Ultra Semiconductors  USD
Ultra MidCap400  MVV
Ultra Utilities UPW
Ultra Basic Materials  UYM
Ultra Oil & Gas  DIG

Note: Please ensure you have already installed the January 2008 disk before the installation of the following patch files.

Patch fix0108MFD.exe updates capital gain distribution and brokerage availability data in Principia® Mutual Funds Module. Note: This patch, fix0108MFD.exe is only for subscribers of Mutual Funds and not for Mutual Funds Advanced. Please check the label on the Principia disk to verify which version of Mutual Funds you have.

Patch fix0108M2D.exe updates capital gain distribution and brokerage availability data in Principia® Mutual Funds Advanced Module. Note: This patch, fix0108M2D.exe is only for subscribers of Mutual Funds Advanced or the Principia Suite and not for Mutual Funds. Please check the label on the Principia disk to verify which version of Mutual Funds you have.

Patch fix0108Hypo.exe updates capital gain distribution data in Principia® Hypothetical Module. Note: This patch, fix0108Hypo.exe is only for subscribers of the Hypothetical Module or the Principia Suite. If you do not have either of these installed then you do not need to install this patch.

Principia subscribers
We recommend that all subscribers to Principia Mutual Funds, Mutual Funds Advanced, Hypotheticals and Principia Suite download and install the appropriate patch. Please ensure that you attempt to download and install the patch intended only for the modules you subscribe to.

This patch is intended for those who subscribe to a single-user version of Principia or for administrators of network versions. If you are unsure which Principia license you have, launch Principia, click the Help menu, then click About Principia. The last line of the message box reads either Single User Version or Network Version.

To download and install the patch for single-user version
1 Close Principia.
2 Download the patch, and then choose to save the files to your hard disk.
3 Save the file to a folder on your PC. Note the name and location of this folder. When download is complete, locate the file and double-click it. Follow the on-screen instructions.

To download and install the patch for network version
1 Please ensure that no users currently have Principia open and that you are installing the patch from a workstation that has Principia installed on it while logged on using an account that has rights to install to the Server.
2 Download the patch, and then choose to save the file to your hard disk.
3 Save the file to a folder on your PC. Note the name and location of this folder. When download is complete, locate the file and double-click it. Follow the on-screen instructions.

If you have trouble downloading or installing this patch, e-mail us at or call Tech Support at 312-424-4299.

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