Software Patches
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Principia Support : Software Patches
Update of Presentations and Education Slide, Market Downturns and Recoveries - Periods of Turbulence, 1988-2007

Principia Presentations and Education 2008 Version 1 has incorrect labels in the last two columns of slide 9, Market Downturns and Recoveries - Periods of Turbulence, 1988-2007, in the Investing in Emerging Markets presentation. After patch has been successfully installed, figures in the last two columns should be reported in months rather than days.

Note: Please install Principia Presentations and Education 2008 Version 1 (from the CD-ROM or DVD) before running this patch (if you have not done so already). Additionally, should you reinstall the product at any point prior to receiving your next disk (Version 2 in July), then you will need to reapply this patch to update the incorrect information on the slide.

Patch fixpne2008v1.exe updates slide 9 of Investing in Emerging Markets presentation in Principia® Presentations and Education Module.

Principia subscribers
We recommend that all subscribers of Principia® Presentations and Education v1 2008 and the Principia Suite to download and install this patch.

This patch is intended for those who subscribe to a single-user version of Principia or for administrators of network versions. If you are unsure which Principia license you have, launch Principia, click the Help menu, then click About Principia. The last line of the message box reads either Single User Version or Network Version.

To download and install the patch for single-user version
1 Close Principia.
2 Download the patch, and then choose to save the files to your hard disk.
3 Save the file to a folder on your PC. Note the name and location of this folder. When download is complete, locate the file and double-click it. Follow the on-screen instructions.

To download and install the patch for network version
1 Please ensure that no users currently have Principia open and that you are installing the patch from a workstation that has Principia installed on it while logged on using an account that has rights to install to the Server.
2 Download the patch, and then choose to save the file to your hard disk.
3 Save the file to a folder on your PC. Note the name and location of this folder. When download is complete, locate the file and double-click it. Follow the on-screen instructions.

If you have trouble downloading or installing this patch, e-mail us at or call Tech Support at 312-424-4299.

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