Software Patches
  Installation Instructions

Principia Support : Software Patches
Update for users of Advent Axys 3.5.1 or higher

If you use Principia to import information from Axys Release 3.5.1 or higher, follow the instructions below to download and run the authorization script needed to ensure compatibility between Axys and Principia.

Users who ran the authorization script prior to April 2002
If you downloaded and ran the authorization script prior to April 2002, you only need to follow step 2 below to update the macro (changed from morning.mac to mstarprn.mac); users who never ran the authorization program before must follow all five steps.

If you are using the Principia February 2003 release or a later release, it is recommended that you delete morning.mac and/ or mornnew.mac so that only mstarprn.mac remains in your Axys Auto folder.  If you are using a Morningstar release prior to February 2003, do not delete these files and continue using your current macro until such time as you upgrade to a release that is February 2003 or later. 

Download instructions for installing and running the authorization script
1 If you haven't done so already, download the authorization program, apauth351.exe, from the Software Update Center on Advent Connection (you'll need to log in first). Note: Once you download it, you have to run the apauth351.exe which will extract apauth.exe.

Download the necessary files to your desktop, then copy them to the folders listed below.
 • Click advent.exe (File size: 68 KB), and choose to save the file to your computer. Save it to your Desktop.
 • When download is complete, locate the file and double-click it. Choose to unzip the files to your Desktop.
 • Copy mstarprn.mac to your Axys3\auto\ folder.
 • Copy apauth.scr to your Axys3\auto\ folder.

3 Add the script (apauth.scr) to the Axys Interface Script File Menu:
 • Open Axys.
 • Select Utilities.
 • Select Edit Script File Menu.
 • Go to the last blank row.
 • Enter the "Menu Item Entry" as "Alliance Partner Macro Authorization."
 • Enter the "Script File" as "apauth". Leave the "Arguments" empty.
 • Close it and click the YES button for the "Save Changes" message.
4 Run the script to authorize the macro (mstarprn.mac):
 • Open Axys.
 • Select Interface.
 • Select Script Files.
 • Select Alliance Partner Macro Authorization.
 • Enter the macro name, "mstarprn" in the dialog box. Don't use the .mac extension.
 • Click 'Authorize.'
5 You will get the following notification: "Your macro has been authorized. You can now run your Alliance Partner program." Now you're ready to export your files from Advent Axys.

To run the extract from your Advent Axys software
1 Open Axys.

From the Report menu, click Run. The Axys Reports dialog box appears.

3 From the Macro menu, click Run. The Open dialog box appears.
4 Select the mstarprn.mac file, then click Open. (If you've run the authorization script before, you might see another file name in the list, too. Don't select it—it's an old version.) The Run Morningstar Macro dialog box appears.
5 Make the appropriate selections in the Morningstar Macro dialog box for the export you wish to run.

About Advent Type Codes
The security type codes used in Advent Axys are listed in the table below. Each code corresponds to one of four security types in Morningstar Principia: Mutual Funds, Variable Annuities/Life, Stocks, Closed-end Funds.

Before importing into Principia, each security in Advent Axys must be assigned to one of these Advent Type Codes to ensure they will be imported correctly.

Morningstar Type Advent Type Code
Mutual Funds bfus
Stocks adus
Variable Annuities/Life vaus
Closed-end Funds ceus

About Importing into Principia
During the import process, users may choose to import either by shares or by market value.

If you have trouble downloading or installing this patch, e-mail us at or call Tech Support at 312-424-4299.

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